Notification Preferences Cheatsheet

ServiceNow provides a good documentation page about User Notification Preferences.

Have you ever wondered where these settings are stored in the backend?

Let’s have a look at the main tables and fields where ServiceNow stores this data.

Notification Preferences

Notification Preferences PopupBackend Table / Field
Allow NotificationsUser -> Notification [sys_user.notification]
Notification ChannelNotification Device [cmn_notif_device]
Notification by CategoryNotification Category [sys_notification_category]
Create Personal NotificationNotification Subscription [sys_notif_subscription]
System Notification (individual check)Notification Messages [cmn_notif_message]

Allow notifications

Allow Notifications enables/disables all notifications for the user.

It is stored in the User record [sys_user], in the Notification field [notification] (this field is not displayed in the form out of the box).

Values: Enable / Disable

Notification Preferences: Allow Notifications in Popup
Notification Preferences: Allow Notifications in User Record

Notification Channels

Apart from the Primary email, you can add other ways of communication: Another Email account, Instant Message, SMS or Voice.

This information is stored in the Notification Devices table [cmn_notif_device].

Notification Preferences: Manage Channels in Popup
Notification Preferences: Manage Channels in Notification Devices table

Notification by Category

Notifications are grouped by Categories.

These Categories can be defined in the Notification Categories table [sys_notification_category].

Notifications [sysevent_email_action] are linked to this table through the Category [category] field.

Notification Preferences: Manage Categories in Popup
Notification Preferences: Manage Categories in Notification Categories table

Create Personal Notification

Notifications [sysevent_email_action] have a Subscribable field [subscribable].

When Subscribable is true, users can create a Personal Notification based on it.

Records linking the users to the Subscribable notifications are stored in the Notification Subscription table [sys_notif_subscription]

Notification Preferences: Manage Personal Notifications in Popup
Notification Preferences: Manage Personal Notifications in Notification Subscription table

System Notification

When a user unsubscribes from a particular notification, a new record is added to the Notification Messages table [cmn_notif_message] (or updated if it was already existing) with Filter [filter] = Unsubscribe

One record is generated for each Notification Channel.

A record is automatically added to this table when a user receives a notification for the first time, with the Filter field empty.

Notification Preferences: Manage System Notifications in popup
Notification Preferences: Manage System Notifications in Notification Messages table