Quality of Life Items available on ServiceNow Share
I’m still trying to catch up with the content from ServiceNow Knowledge ’20. A lot of interesting stuff still to be watched.
Kudos to Earl Duque for his “Quality of Life items available on ServiceNow Share” talk.
I was already familiar with half of the items (can anybody complete any work without Xplore: Developer Toolkit?), but the others will save me some clicks and some valuable minutes.
State Flows
I probably first read about them when I was studying for the Field Services certification. I remember thinking how cool they were… but then I forgot.
A few weeks ago, I was working on a custom development around a table extending Task and it came back to my mind. And the plugin was already installed in the instance! (State Flows [com.snc.state_flows])
As it was something internal for just a few users, it was the perfect project for experimenting. And so far, so good!
A bit confusing initially as you need to focus on state transitions, but easier to manage after you get used to it.
A lot of no-code options can be managed in a single form: Set fields visible, read-only and/or mandatory. Trigger events. Add work notes. Create UI Actions, BRs…
A quick excerpt from ServiceNow Docs:
Features available with state flows:
- Custom transitions: Customise the order in which states can change for requests and task records.
- Field controls: Control the behaviour and visibility of specific fields when a task changes states or reaches a specified end state.
- State choice list: Limit the values offered in a task record State field to valid states for that transition. This is the same client script that the system creates to manage field controls for state transitions.
- Events: Trigger events when a state transition occurs or when a record reaches a specific end state.
Constraints can really help you to achieve your goals
I’ve been postponing the Performance Analytics certification for a couple of years.
For some reason I was afraid of not passing this one (Probably the reason being failing on my first attempt at the Performance Analytics Micro-certification).
Add a bit of procrastination to the mixture and I found myself clicking the reschedule button more times than I’m willing to admit.
Until December 2020 arrived…
Time constraints: Voucher expiring by the end of the year
Physical constraints: Partial lockdown due to COVID-19
The positive effect of having deadlines has been studied extensively by some behavioural economists such as Dan Ariely.
So let’s say I relearned it. But there is nothing like firsthand experience!